Quilting Preparation
As you can imagine, the proper preparation and exact specifications are necessary to build your quilt exactly as you’d like it.Proper Quilt Preparation will save us time and your money. By following the preparation steps below, you can avoid time delays and add-on charges.
- Press your quilt top and backing thoroughly.
- Place a safety pin at the top of both the quilt and backing fabric.
- If you pre-wash your fabrics, pre-wash all of them.
- Clip all loose threads from the back and front of the quilt top.
- Square up backing fabric.
- Size your backing and batting a minimum of 4” larger than your quilt top on all four sides.
- Do not baste, pin, or tack your quilt together. Simply fold each piece.
- Be sure to remove all selvages when seaming your backing.
- Be aware that fullness and puckers, which have been pieced in, cannot be quilted out.
Border Tips:
- Avoid handling your quilt by the borders once they have been attached. This can stretch them and cause them to become loose and wavy.
- Cut your straight borders from the length of the grain (parallel to the selvage). This direction will make them lay much flatter than those cut cross-grained.
Add-on Charges:
If your quilt requires additional preparation upon its arrival, the following charges will apply. You will be notified via phone or email before work is done.
- Squaring backing: $10.00
- Pressing: $10.00
- Piecing backing: $10.00 per seam

We are happy to do the finishing touches by binding your quilt for you.
We do both straight and bias binding: cut at 2 ¼ inches, folded, and then pressed in half. The binding is attached to the front of the quilt by machine then is wrapped to the back and sewn down by hand whipping, giving your quilt a handsome finishing touch.
Your binding options include:
Full Binding – Hand Whipped
- You supply the fabric, and we will make the binding, attach it, and hand whip it down.
- $ 0.39 per linear inch
Make and Attach
- You supply the fabric, and we will make the binding and attach it so that you can hand whip it down.
- $0.19 per linear inch
Attach Only
- You provide the binding, and we will attach it for you so that you can hand whip down.
- $ 0.11 per linear inch
Shipping Information:
Please be sure to pack your quilt carefully and ship to:
Virginia Longarm where...A Needle Runs Through It
2085 Valpark Drive
Oilville, VA 23129
- A confirmation will be emailed upon receipt of your package.
- Our standard shipping fee includes $100.00 insurance per package. More coverage available upon request.
- All packages will be returned to you via UPS or Priority Mail.
- An email including tracking information will be sent when your quilt is shipped.
Print our Quilting Preparation Details, and when you're ready to get started, please see our Machine Quilting & Finishing Worksheet and Order Form.